630 Orchard Park Road

West Seneca, New York 14224


The Source for Reliable Phonak Hearing Aids
Serving Orchard Park, Hamburg, Buffalo, East Aurora, Springville, Lackawanna & Cheektowaga, NY

Phonak  Paradise & Phonak Lumity

The Phonak Paradise connects directly to all Bluetooth-enabled cell phones (even most Flip phones and Trac Phones) without the need of any additional devices...and it's Hands Free. These hearing aids will stream to both hearing stereo. These instruments are now available at The Audiology Center, and we offer affordable hearing aid cost options. Whether you're looking for replacement hearing aids or new hearing aids, check out our selection of Phonak hearing aids. Now available in rechargeable models.   A waterproof model is also available at all technology levels.

For mild to severe hearing losses. All Paradise and Lumity hearing aids include:


  • Direct Hands-Free connection to Bluetooth cell phones a. No streamer required. You can be up to (about) 25 feet from your cellphone... and still hear and speak normally
  • New. Stereo Streaming in AutoSense at all price points. AutoSense automatically identifies the input (speech, music, noise) and differentially processes the signal for maximum intelligibility and signal quality.
  • Remote programming available.


Automatic Binaual Voicestream (for advanced noise reduction) is available in 90 models.

The TV Connector is recommended for wireless connection to televisions. This device is simple to use and simple to connect...and does not interfere with your cell phone connection. TV and music streaming is in stereo.

Paradise Prices

P30  $1390

 P90  $1990

Lumity Prices 

L70 $2100

L90 2400

The 90's are Phonak’s premium hearing aids. This hearing aid has 20 bands for the most precise adjustability as well as the AutoSense OS program that seamlessly transitions through 7 different programs depending on the situation. AutoSense OS now automatically includes the StereoZoom feature for speech in loud noise...a steaming program that uses in inputs from all 4 microphones to provide a the best noise reduction.  Additional Binaural VoiceStream programs are also available (Speech in 360 and SteroZoom). 

New Phonak Wireless Accessories

 Roger Select iN
 Direct connect to 
Marvel & Paradise
hearing instruments
Roger Select iN™ makes use of MBT (Multi-Beamforming Technology). 
Roger Select is a versatile microphone that uses MBT to help people with newer Phonak hearing aids to hear better in noisy restaurants or other gatherings. 
Roger Select microphone for Phonak hearing aids
 TV Connector
The TV Connector transmits the TV audio (wirelessly) to your Marvel hearing aids stereo... 
and a call on your cell will take priority... no missed calls while watching TV. 

This is Phonak's most popular accessory! (also available for all wireless Phonak Belong hearing aids along with the ComPilot II.

Phonak wireless TV connector
Phonak Partner Mic
For Marvel & Paradise instruments
 The Partner Mic is great for very noisy situations and when you're a distance from the speaker (up to 75 feet). The sound of this remote mic is extremely clear.

For patients with more significant hearing losses, the remote mic is also great for use at home restoring an easier communication experience.
Phonak Partner Mic
Phonak Remote Control
For Marvel & Paradise hearing instruments
 If you don't want to use a SmartPhone app, the Phonak Marvel Remote will allow the user to change the volume, change the program, or answer their cell phone with the touch of a button on the remote control.  Its very easy to use and a great accessory for patients with reduced dexterity or reduced vision.
Phonak Remote Control
Call Us

Phonak Belong 2018/2019 chip platform
Phonak Audeo B
3- year warranty
Phonak Audeo B hearing aid
The Phonak Audeo B is a "receiver in the canal" hearing aid. 
Available in a rechargeable model, the Audeo's are Phonak's smallest behind the ear hearing aids. 

For mild to severe hearing losses.

B30  $990 non-Rechargeable
Phonak Bolero 
3- year warranty
Phonak Bolero B hearing aid
The Phonak Bolero B is a slim tube or standard tubing hearing aid.  They can be fitted cosmetically to small adult ear canals and children and are available in a rechargeable model. 

For mild to severe hearing losses.

B30  $990 non-Rechargeable
Learn More - Bolero B
Phonak Virto
3-year warranty
Phonak Virto B hearing aid
The Phonak Virto B custom products use proprietary hearing aid modeling software that measures and analyzes the unique characteristics of your individual ear identifying over 1600 biometric data points for each Virto B hearing aid. 
Rechargeable is not available
IIC add $100 per ear

B30 $1090 non-Rechargeable
Learn More - Virto B
Phonak Naida
3-year warranty
Phonak Naida B hearing aid

The Phonak Naida B is available a rechargeable RIC Power model , a  medium size  Super Power  model (size 13 battery) , and a slightly larger  UltraPower  model  (size 675 battery). Appropriate for severe and profound hearing losses. 

Custom earmolds recommended.

B30 $990 

Learn More - Naida B

Phonak CROS 
Phonak Paradise CROS  $1045 
 3 year repair & Loss/Damage warranty
The CROS & BiCROS instrument must be used with a hearing aid that is fitted to the better ear.
Phonak Cros II & Cros B hearing aid
Available with a 312 or the larger 13 battery, Phonak’sCROS instruments are for people with unilateral hearing loss or when the bad ear is so poor that a hearing aid just cannot help. These CROS instruments now allow wireless functionality and great noise reduction in the 70 and 90 products using Binaural VoiceStream programs. 

Important Research for anyone considering Phonak Hearing Aids

New Research from the independent National Acoustics Laboratories in Sydney, Australia reveals significant benefits in: 
Listening Effort
Speech Intelligibility, and
Noise Reduction...
when using hearing aids with narrow directionality. Phonak is the world leader in automatic "narrow directionality" (The Hearing Review V.24 No 1, Jan 2017).

Phonak's new generation of hearing aids use the new AutoSense OS operating system that allows hearing aids to automatically adapt to different listening situations...including different noisy situations. Independent research reveals that this system can improve speech understanding by 20% in challenging listening situations, in noise, in loud noise, and in a car.
Learn More about AutoSense

General Information: Phonak Hearing Aids

Hearing aids and accessories are only dispensed to our patients. No mail order / online sales.

Phonak Marvel Hearing Aids from $1390
Phonak Belong Hearing Aids from $990

In every Chip Platform, Phonak Hearing Aids are available in 4 different models
  • Audeo -  A small behind the ear hearing aid with the Receiver In the(ear)Canal (RIC). 

  • Bolero - Almost as small as the Audeo. The receiver is in the hearing aid and a slim tube takes the sound into the ear canal.

  • Naida - Phonak's most powerful Behind the Ear hearing aids are available in RIC, Slim Tube, and Standard tube models.

  • Virto - These are Phonak's custom all in the ear hearing aids and are available in all sizes.
Our published prices for all Phonak hearing aids include: 
  • Hearing aids ordered directly from the manufacturers: Phonak and Oticon (no private labeling*)
  • Hearing aid fitting using proprietary probe microphone Speech Mapping 
  • Scheduled follow-up professional care 
  • In-office - On-demand follow-up care. No appointment required: Monday - Friday. 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • 3-year manufacturer's warranty covering repair. 
  • 3 year manufacturer's replacement warranty in case of loss or physical damage (subject to $250 co-pay).
*Private Labeling: When hearing aids are private labeled, the consumer cannot determine what they are purchasing and therefore cannot make direct price comparisons to other vendors. Additionally, private labeled hearing aids may be altered so that they have to be returned to the original vendor to make any neccessary programming changes. 

Note: Hearing aids that are only partially covered by insurance plans may have shorter warranties and less covered follow-up care.

Call Now to Learn More About Our Available Hearing Aid Costs!

Our Brands of Premium 
Hearing Aids

Phonak hearing aid logo
Oticon hearing aid logo

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